I am restarting my GURPS: Star Frontiers game, but doing it the right way this time. Well, what is "the right way?" I am creating an equipment and weapon list in the GURPS Character Sheet (support the project, link on the sidebar), sticking with those items, and only supplanting from other gear lists as I need.
This is more like a "GURPS sandbox" conversion, where I make a focused gear and weapons list and just use that. I am not allowing random weapons from GURPS Ultra-Tech or any other source; it is fair game if it is on the "in-game" gear lists. The only change is to add the GURPS power cells from UltraTech as my "power clips" for the game since UT has the smaller A & B style cells that can power some of the smaller devices.
I will make a list of races and build those as templates.
I may create "template packages" for the various primary skill areas and the skill choices, like "robotics skill," a 25-point GURPS template you can pick and add to a character's skills. I may also add the starship skills from Knight Hawks as templates. This will make building characters (and NPCs) as easy as setting a point level and picking packages.
Laser pistols will be capped at a maximum of 5 SEU, rifles at 10, and heavy lasers at 20. We made this house rule back in the day, and it worked well. Smaller weapons can only be turned up so much. If you want big, go big.
A 1d10 damage in Star Frontiers is a 1d6 in GURPS.
Starships? I will stick with the Knight Hawks rules with a few modifications. GURPS will handle all to-hits and skill rules. Turns and movement will be Knight Hawks. Ranges will be handled by GURPS, but 1 hex of starship scale will be one meter of GURPS scale, and the GURPS range modifiers will apply. If Knight Hawks gives a -10% chance to hit, that will be a flat -2 in GURPS per -10%. Otherwise, starship damage, weapon damage, and all other rules will be Knight Hawks.
I could use 1d6 as the "base die" for starship damage and scale hull points down to 60% of KH.
Vehicle combat in Star Frontiers can work as-is, rolling d100 as needed. However, there is a power difference between Star Frontiers' heavy weapons and GURPS' more realistic ones. This needs to be tested or followed closer to GURPS' standards.
I am not messing with any of the GURPS starship combat systems again; those derailed my game last time. I want a GURPS sandbox, a transplant of the starship rules, and a thin emulation layer to make everything work with GURPS. All the character, ground combat, and other rules will be GURPS.
I tried this with a mix of GURPS Space, Ultra Tech, and Starships, and it did not feel the same. It felt like a GURPS: Space game wearing a Star Frontier's skin. There is a certain "toybox" that Star Frontiers needs to work well. When all of GURPS: Ultra Tech is thrown into the mix, even at TL 9 or 10, the game just feels like it derails and goes everywhere. Like huge skill lists, a part of me feels Star Frontiers needs to be a simplified, almost "pulp" science fiction experience.
Curating carefully and making focused lists of options is key to pulling this game off.