Monday, January 20, 2025

GURPS: EverQuest - The Characters Get Better

So, I was designing my characters with the GURPS Character Sheet (please support the project, sidebar link) for my GURPS EverQuest game. I started with my basic "level one" starting characters using the 62-point templates.

Those came out nicely, but as I researched the classes and powers, I revised them again, and they got even better. GURPS is the only game where you can design a character and then go back over it in a second pass and improve it substantially, tighten it up, strip out things you don't need, and add things you do.

You can't do that in 5E; it typically optimizes your point buy and makes the one or two choices it allows you to make at the first level. You have a few options with the newer "lineage, heritage" combinations (and I suspect these have already been hyper-optimized). I bet in the future, someone will complain about spatial and temporal bias, and all those picks for background, history, and where you come from will be put into a "free pick pool," just like ancestry bonuses are now.

My characters are very cool. They have templates for their races, and in classic EverQuest fashion, some have "evil or good" race social stigmas attached to them, so those parts of the world are forbidden to certain types of kin. Different religious beliefs come with vows and skills. Classes have flavors, and you can tweak those a little to get the character you want to play.

Playing EverQuest in 5E? Why? I am not getting skills and vows for all the gods in here. My Erollisi followers must "love not hate," and my Innoruuk characters must "hate not love." I can't tweak my spell selection to "flavor" my paladin or shadow-knight. Seriously, will my paladin focus more on combat spells or healing? You need to choose, and not all classes are the same. I can think of six different types of rangers as it is now. Most 5E games would never give you this many choices.

And the social and RP elements of a character matter. 

All of this in 5E? Hand-waved and told to "just roleplay it."

In GURPS, these things are in the rules and are parts of your character sheet.

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